// This file was originally part of the project "LURE - Linux User REpository", created by Elara Musayelyan.
// It has been modified as part of "ALR - Any Linux Repository" by Евгений Храмов.
// ALR - Any Linux Repository
// Copyright (C) 2025 Евгений Храмов
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package search

import (


// Filter represents search filters.
type Filter int

// Filters
const (
	FilterNone Filter = iota

// SoryBy represents a value that packages can be sorted by.
type SortBy int

// Sort values
const (
	SortByNone = iota

// Package represents a package from ALR's database
type Package struct {
	Name          string
	Version       string
	Release       int
	Epoch         uint
	Description   map[string]string
	Homepage      map[string]string
	Maintainer    map[string]string
	Architectures []string
	Licenses      []string
	Provides      []string
	Conflicts     []string
	Replaces      []string
	Depends       map[string][]string
	BuildDepends  map[string][]string
	OptDepends    map[string][]string
	Repository    string

func convertPkg(p db.Package) Package {
	return Package{
		Name:          p.Name,
		Version:       p.Version,
		Release:       p.Release,
		Epoch:         p.Epoch,
		Description:   p.Description.Val,
		Homepage:      p.Homepage.Val,
		Maintainer:    p.Maintainer.Val,
		Architectures: p.Architectures.Val,
		Licenses:      p.Licenses.Val,
		Provides:      p.Provides.Val,
		Conflicts:     p.Conflicts.Val,
		Replaces:      p.Replaces.Val,
		Depends:       p.Depends.Val,
		BuildDepends:  p.BuildDepends.Val,
		OptDepends:    p.OptDepends.Val,
		Repository:    p.Repository,

// Options contains the options for a search.
type Options struct {
	Filter      Filter
	FilterValue string
	SortBy      SortBy
	Limit       int64
	Query       string

// Search searches for packages in the database based on the given options.
func Search(ctx context.Context, opts Options) ([]Package, error) {
	query := "(name LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR json_array_contains(provides, ?))"
	args := []any{"%" + opts.Query + "%", "%" + opts.Query + "%", opts.Query}

	if opts.Filter != FilterNone {
		switch opts.Filter {
		case FilterInRepo:
			query += " AND repository = ?"
		case FilterSupportsArch:
			query += " AND json_array_contains(architectures, ?)"
		args = append(args, opts.FilterValue)

	if opts.SortBy != SortByNone {
		switch opts.SortBy {
		case SortByName:
			query += " ORDER BY name"
		case SortByRepo:
			query += " ORDER BY repository"
		case SortByVersion:
			query += " ORDER BY version"

	if opts.Limit != 0 {
		query += " LIMIT " + strconv.FormatInt(opts.Limit, 10)

	result, err := db.GetPkgs(ctx, query, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var out []Package
	for result.Next() {
		pkg := db.Package{}
		err = result.StructScan(&pkg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		out = append(out, convertPkg(pkg))

	return out, err

// GetPkg gets a single package from the database and returns it.
func GetPkg(ctx context.Context, repo, name string) (Package, error) {
	pkg, err := db.GetPkg(ctx, "name = ? AND repository = ?", name, repo)
	return convertPkg(*pkg), err

var (
	// ErrInvalidArgument is an error returned by GetScript when one of its arguments
	// contain invalid characters
	ErrInvalidArgument = errors.New("name and repository must not contain . or /")

	// ErrScriptNotFound is returned by GetScript if it can't find the script requested
	// by the user.
	ErrScriptNotFound = errors.New("requested script not found")

// GetScript returns a reader containing the build script for a given package.
func GetScript(ctx context.Context, repo, name string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
	if strings.Contains(name, "./") || strings.ContainsAny(repo, "./") {
		return nil, ErrInvalidArgument

	scriptPath := filepath.Join(config.GetPaths(ctx).RepoDir, repo, name, "alr.sh")
	fl, err := os.Open(scriptPath)
	if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
		return nil, ErrScriptNotFound
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return fl, nil